Vote Now for the Winner of this week’s #SixWordStoryChallenge

It’s time to vote to decide the winner of the Six Word Story Challenge!

This week’s prompt was Fantasy. This was inspired by seeing a performance of Alice in Wonderland from the 7YO’s drama group, but as usual our six word story tellers took the idea and ran with it in all sorts of different ways. We’ve had science fiction, feminism and romance. And now it’s time to vote! Which of the stories below should win the grand prize?*

if you’ve never voted before, don’t forget you can vote for your top THREE stories – just tick three boxes before you submit! Results will be announced tomorrow evening at roughly this time.

*There is no prize except one of Nicola’s glorious badges!


This week’s roll of honour features the following beautiful bloggers:



5 thoughts on “Vote Now for the Winner of this week’s #SixWordStoryChallenge

  1. Pingback: Vote Now for the Winner of this week’s #SixWordStoryChallenge | Joyce Kostakis feeling inspired and brave enough to write.

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