Weekly Limerick Challenge 4: Mist

This week's contribution to MindandLifeMatters Weekly Limerick Challenge is on the theme of mist.  This got me thinking about the mental fog I have sometimes when I'm trying to write, so here's a limerick about writer's block! There are times when I sit down to write And my brain seems frozen with fright. My passion turns into a … Continue reading Weekly Limerick Challenge 4: Mist

Amazing People or What makes you special?

Had to share this. Love the bit about David Bowie!

Happiness, Health and Hypnosis

There has been a lot of talk in the media recently about some amazing people – mostly because they have just died. I’m referring to the sad loss of Lemmy, David Bowie and Alan Rickman. All three have had an impact on my life in some small or large way – I’m guessing they have had some impact on yours too.

They all had a gift to entertain. They were brilliant lights in a sometimes foggy world. They were the characters that we knew, and so much more besides. The only ones who really knew these people were the ones closest to them. Those people would probably be able to tell us a million other things that made them special too.

I was watching a program on children’s development. There was a little girl on there who had been born with one short foot. She had no toes and the…

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