I thought this was a very well written astute summary of our modern lives!


We caught the tail end of everything.
Rebellion Re-branded
And sold back to us.
Pre-ripped jeans.
They resurrected Kurt Cobain
To bring him down to his knees.
Punk is dead
No one is offended anymore.
No matter how full of piercings
Our faces are
No matter how inked our skin.
We tried with emo
The gore of hormones
Hatred turned inwards.

Everything turned inwards.
In relation to us.
Facebook profile pictures
Colouring our faces
With grief and terror beyond us:
Flags, hashtags, masses.
Let’s document everything
That’s been done to death.
Let’s do it wearing a Ramones T-shirt.

And watch as our parents’
Punk teeth fall from their heads
With a grief we never met.

Apathy ODing
Misquoting lyrics
Sold back to us.
Nobody makes a difference.
Nothing makes any difference.
Lazily bombing Iraq and Syria
For the right brand of cereal,
Cloning cows to put milk in it,

View original post 33 more words

Putting the blog in hibernation

I love my blogging habit, and the friendly feedback from bloggers around the world.  But it's time to power down...as for the next few weeks I am in full-on Mrs Christmas mode, and free time is in very short supply. Back in January, whilst throwing away the remnants of a particularly tacky £1 Peppa Pig Advent … Continue reading Putting the blog in hibernation

JB Priestley: On wireless sets and world politics

"Supposing your wireless set suddenly stopped working.  Well, perhaps you understand wireless sets.  If so, you set about mending it yourself, and if you have a glimmer of sense, you would go to work fairly slowly, methodically, patiently.  If you don't understand wireless sets, you would call in somebody who does.  But I don't imagine … Continue reading JB Priestley: On wireless sets and world politics

Blogger Recognition awards: sharing the love

What a nice surprise I had this morning, to discover that MindandLifeMatters had nominated me for the Seal of Approval bloggers recognition award!  Thank you so much Rashmi.  It's great to know that the words you put out there into the blogosphere are actually being read by someone, and even better to hear that people actually find … Continue reading Blogger Recognition awards: sharing the love