Weekly Six Word Story Challenge

Welcome to the Six Word Story Challenge, the weekly blog challenge for anyone who enjoys writing micro-fiction. The challenge was originally created and hosted for several years by Nicola over at Sometimes Stellar Storyteller.


The concept is simple. Each Saturday at 9am (GMT) I will upload a prompt for you to use to create a six word story. The prompt will usually be one word and it is not necessary for you to use this word in your story, it’s merely intended as inspiration.

How the winner is chosen

The challenge will close to entries at 9pm the following Thursday evening (GMT). A poll will be posted at 10pm (GMT) containing all stories submitted to the challenge. Voting will remain open in this poll for 24hrs and will close at 9pm on Friday evening (GMT). At 10pm Friday evening, I will publish a post announcing the winners of that week’s challenge.


It’s up to you whether you create a blog post to highlight your entry, it’s not a requirement of the challenge but, hopefully, you’ll inspire other bloggers to join in with the voting and maybe they’ll enter a story too. Remember to use the hashtag #SixWordStoryChallenge if you post on Twitter and the WordPress tag Six Word Story Challenge.

The rules of the challenge are simple

  1. Write a story in six words or less inspired by the prompt. It doesn’t have to include the prompt word unless you want it to.
  2. Write your story in the comment section below this week’s prompt to be entered. A link to a blog post is not an entry.
  3. A blog post and a pingback is not a requirement of the challenge, just your story in the comments, but feel free to add your own blog post if you wish. Remember to use the tag #SixWordStoryChallenge if you do and provide a link to your post.
  4. The winner will be the story with the most votes at the end of the challenge. Votes will only count if cast in the collated poll published on a Thursday evening.
  5. I will announce the winner on this blog on Friday evening (10pm GMT) and include links to the winners’ blogs.
  6. First, second and third place will have the honour of downloading and using one of my highly coveted award badges on their blogs should they wish to do so.
  7. In the event of a tie for first, second or third places, I will choose a single story to take the placement. This will be the story I feel best interpreted the prompt and the six word medium.
  8. Only one entry per person please. Multiple entries will be deleted leaving the first submission only.

Are you ready to begin? Click here to find the latest challenge.

Any questions? Email me here or leave a query in the comments below.

Good luck! I look forward to reading your tiny stories!



19 thoughts on “Weekly Six Word Story Challenge

  1. Pingback: #SixWordStoryChallenge – 5th May 2018 | kirstwrites

  2. Pingback: #6WordStoryChallenge 12-18 May – Wonderwall

  3. Pingback: #SixWordStoryChallenge – 19th May 2018 | kirstwrites

  4. Pingback: Six Little Words | sparksfromacombustiblemind

  5. Pingback: #SixWordStoryChallenge – 26th May 2018 | kirstwrites

  6. Pingback: Six word Story Competion week commencing Sat 2nd June – Wonderwall

  7. Pingback: #SixWordStoryChallenge – 9th June 2018 | kirstwrites

  8. Pingback: #SixWordStoryChallenge – 23rd June 2018 | kirstwrites

  9. Pingback: #SixWordStoryChallenge – 7th July 2018 | kirstwrites

  10. Pingback: #SixWordStoryChallenge – 21st July 2018 | kirstwrites

  11. Pingback: #SixWordStoryChallenge 1st September 2018 | kirstwrites

  12. Pingback: #6wordstory Saturday 8th September. Voting Thursday 9pm 13th – Friday 9pm 14th – Wonderwall

  13. Pingback: 6 word story challenge. Week commencing Saturday 6th October. – Wonderwall

  14. Pingback: #SixWordStoryChallenge: 13th October | kirstwrites

  15. Pingback: Kirstwrites.wordpress.com #SixWordStoryChallenge: 27th October | Writing, events, competitions and even some self-penned bits

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