Weekly Limerick Challenge: Week 3 “Believe”

Here's my contribution to the lovely MindandLifeMatters weekly limerick challenge, on the theme "believe".  With a picture of the Charles Darwin statue at the Natural History Museum in London. The story of Adam and Eve Was one Darwin just could not believe. His theory of evolution Caused moral pollution But it granted the snake a … Continue reading Weekly Limerick Challenge: Week 3 “Believe”

Weekly limerick challenge 2: Bliss

I was so pleased to be judged the winner of last week's limerick challenge, having never won anything before in my life!  A very big thank you to Rashmi of MindandLifeMatters.  I will be framing my Amazon gift certificate as my very first writer's pay cheque!  So here is my first attempt at an entry for … Continue reading Weekly limerick challenge 2: Bliss