Twittering Tales #26

    By sunset I’d reached the border. The traffic thinned as the road climbed towards the mountains. On the other side, a new life was waiting. (139 characters) Written for Kat's Twittering Tales weekly challenge to come up with a tweet-sized story in response to the photo prompt.

Twittering Tales #26 – 18 April 2017

This is the weekly writing prompt challenge I’ve been taking part in lately, to write a story in 140 characters or less. I love seeing the huge variety in everyone’s different responses!

like mercury colliding...


About the challenge:  Each Tuesday I will provide a prompt, and your mission, if you choose to play along, is to tell a story based on that prompt in 140 characters or less.

If you accept the challenge, be sure to let me know in the comments with a link to your tale. A final note: if you need help tracking the number of characters in your story, there is a nifty online tool that will count for you at

I will do a roundup each Tuesday, along with providing us a new prompt.

Have Fun!

Twittering Tales #25 – The Roundup

sign-1209593_1280 Door Sign from

From Michael at Morpethroad:

My Songs
I was disappointed with no entry.
They had played my songs.
Their interpretations fascinated me.
I was flattered by their vocal renditions.
(137 characters)

From Lost in Translation79:

And so it begins…
I stood there…

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