Blogger awards

A very big thank you to lovely bloggers Deeksha and Alison who have nominated me for the Liebster and Sunshine Blogger awards - it's so kind of you! As you both asked me a very similar question about my favourite books, I'm going to write a separate blog post about that, but in the meantime, here's the answers … Continue reading Blogger awards

Sunshine Bloggers Award

Thank you so much to Erin of Bubbles and Beebots blog who nominated me for the Sunshine Bloggers Award. It’s a grey and misty day here with the temperature hovering just above zero, so a little sunshine is definitely needed! Erin asked her nominees five questions. Here they are with my answers: What inspired you … Continue reading Sunshine Bloggers Award

Blogger Recognition awards: sharing the love

What a nice surprise I had this morning, to discover that MindandLifeMatters had nominated me for the Seal of Approval bloggers recognition award!  Thank you so much Rashmi.  It's great to know that the words you put out there into the blogosphere are actually being read by someone, and even better to hear that people actually find … Continue reading Blogger Recognition awards: sharing the love